Feb 14, 2010

TEAM CAMP...many adventures already

Team nanoblur-Gears headed out on the road at 5am for camp in South Carolina. The drive was going well until about Pensylvania....at which point we realized we had no windshield washer fluid. When we stopped to fill it, we noticed it was FULL...and FROZEN...this was the first obstacle for the team! An hour at a local Garage where they had to THAW the tank which was full of WATER..made for an interesting start to camp.
When we got on the road the snow started to fall hard..and our pace came to a crawl of 50km an hour. At one point we were doing hardcore Rocky Training when we were stuck on a hill and the van wouldn't go. Vero realized if everyone but me (driving) got out we would be 600 lbs lighter..smart cookie...we made it up as the team ran up the hill behind me....with their backpacks....yeah, we are hardcore. Watch out..secret training.
Um, what else....well we managed to convince a group of people at Wendy's that we were travelling with the Cirque Du Soleil....Leigh was our Trapeze Artist, Joanie and Vero were the people who launched me into the air for my tumbling routine...and Frank managed us on the road. What was amazing was how quickly everyone was able to jump right in and make up the story on the fly...with a few hiccups like when they asked us the name of our show and Leigh looked at me "what is the name of the show again"....we are working on it.....
We arrived to snow on the streets and trees not sure how the week was going to pan out, but as of today we hit the road for 4 hours .....smoothe rolling....
The roads were quiet and we didn't see anyone except for 2 cyclists.....one of them....GEORGE HINCAPIE....we decided to turn around and follow him since Joanie said "I know George!"....we attacked one at a time until he cracked...sorry George, we hope you recover......ok but really we did see him..and well...ok we kept on riding..but it was cool.
One of the things that has made our first days out so great is the feeling of the new Specialized Amira Expert. It's amazing how we all feel like we have had it for months. Stiff on the climb...smooth on the descents...MONEY. The bike fit from Scott was amazing and we can't thank Gears and Specialized enough for these great bikes! They flew uphill! :)
The Kallisto kit is fantastic, it fits very well and looks sharp. You will see that above.
After 3.5 hours we were starting to get hungry, craving Extreme Pita. Too bad we can't find one around here!
Unfortunately due to the snow storm that hit 49 states Anne has yet to make it here. Flights have been cancelled but she is finally going to make it tonight so that tomorrow she can rip our legs off :).
Thank you to all of our sponsors for making this possible. Nanoblur, Gears, Specialized, Magna Intarnational, Juvederm, Extreme Pita, L2RCP, Honey Stingers, Quarq, Racemerchandise.ca.

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